Getting into a car wreck is a traumatizing experience. It is an unexpected event that can be life changing for you and your family. There are 10 very important things that you need to do after a wreck in order to protect you, your family, and the compensation relief that you deserve.
1) Stay at the Scene – The shock and trauma of being in an accident can cause you to not think clearly. However, it is very important that you stay at the scene of the accident and that you do NOT leave the scene. If you do leave the scene of the accident then it could imply guilt as well as result in criminal charges against you. Stay at the scene and wait for the police to arrive.
2) Call 911 and Report the Accident – It is very important that you call 911 and report the accident. Especially if you or the other party are injured. As soon as you can, call 911 and report the accident. If you call 911 first, then you will be able to explain what has happened and the events surrounding the scent better than anyone else can at that time. So call 911 and report the accident.
3) Do Not Say “I’m Sorry” or Apologize – DO NOT say “I’m sorry” or apologize at the scene of the accident. It can be used as an admission of guilt against you. It is very important to make sure that the police officer does not put your apology in their police report as well. So DO NOT apologize or say “I’m Sorry”.
4) Limit your conversation about the accident with the Other Party – After the accident you approach the other party and depending on the accident you both will exchange information such as insurance information. The other party may try to talk with you about what happened and why you did what you did or why they did what they did. It is very important that you do not engage in this type of conversation with the other party. Be polite and exchange information. If the other party tries to talk about what happened, remain silent until the police arrive.
5) Take Pictures and Videos of the Scene – Everyone has a smart phone so it is very important to remember to take pictures and videos of the scene. Try to take pictures and videos of the cars in the accident and the damage to both cars. Video the surround areas such as street intersections and weather conditions. Pictures and video of the surrounding area can be valuable information to your case.
6) If Injured, Don’t Move Around – After the accident, the most common injury is a neck or back injury. This injury can be magnified or even cause permanent damage if you move around after the accident. If you feel like there is significant damage to your neck, back, or any body part then don’t move or get out of your car. Wait for the ambulance and first responders to arrive and check you out first. You may need to be carried out on a stretcher into the ambulance.
7) Go to the Hospital if you have any Injuries – At the time of the accident it is very important to take a moment and do a self-assessment of how your body is feeling. The adrenaline will be rushing through your body after an accident, so it will be difficult to feel certain pain until the adrenaline leaves your body. Take a minute and assess how you are physically feeling. Neck and back injuries will begin to hurt after the adrenaline is gone, so if there are any injuries, let the ambulance take you to the hospital to be checked out immediately.
8) Do Not talk to the other party’s Insurance Company – After the accident, the other party’s insurance company will try to call you and get a statement from you of the events of the accident. They will do this over a recorded line. Do Not talk to them or give any statements to them about the accident. The insurance company is not on your side and they are going to try and ask you questions that imply that you are guilty and responsible for the accident. Do Not speak to them.
9) Call Attorney John Adkins – After an accident you need advice and a road map on how to handle this traumatic experience. John Adkins and his legal team have helped thousands of clients in your same situation navigate the legal process and battle the insurance companies. His experience will help you get fairly compensated and reimbursed for the injuries that you suffered. Call John Adkins, and he can give you the advice and representation that you need.
10) Let your Attorney be your Advocate to the Insurance Company – The insurance company is not your advocate or your friend. Even your own insurance company does not have your best interest in mind. The insurance company works for the best interest of the insurance company. Their primary goal is to not pay out any money and then their second goal is to pay out the least amount of money possible. Let your Attorney, John Adkins, be your Advocate and negotiate on your behalf to make sure the insurance companies pay you the compensation that you deserve. Call John Adkins and his legal team, and they can be your Advocates.