Imagine you are driving along your normal route that you take every day. Passing the same stop signs and red lights as you do every day. As you accelerate through the green light, BOOM, you are hit by a truck traveling full speed. The truck slammed into the driver’s side knocking you unconscious. Air bags are deployed, but your head is slammed against metal and glass shards are covering your face and arms. Your legs are crushed from the impact. A few moments later you awake to the loud sound of your cars horn ringing in your ears, red and blue lights flashing, and people yelling.
The next day you wake up in the hospital; your legs are crushed, you have a concussion, and the Doctors are talking about surgery and long-term injuries. By now, the police have made their reports, the insurance companies have been notified, and you are stuck in the hospital facing an uncertain future. What do you do now?
7 things to remember if you’ve been injured in a wreck!
1st: Call John W. Adkins personal injury attorney at 404-524-5626. He will give you a plan and peace of mind.
2nd: Start gathering your records of what happened and your side of the story. Never admit fault or say I’m sorry to anyone involved or around the accident scene.
3rd: Do not give a statement or tell your story to an insurance claims adjuster, ESPECIALLY if you taking medication, tired, or not feeling well.
4th: Organize your Paperwork! You will need the following:
- Your record of the events and police report
- Your medical records
- The different doctors and offices you visited
- Copies/invoices of all out of pocket expenses
- This includes parking, gas mileage, etc.
- Keep notes of your correspondence with the insurance company.
5th: Medical Treatment is essential to your case. Follow up and visit a specialist for each injury that you have. Try to find out if your doctor is going to recommend surgery because this will impact the value of your case.
6th: REMEMBER the Statute of Limitations! Regarding personal injury cases, the Statute of Limitations in Georgia is TWO YEARS from the date of your injury. That means you have two years from the date of your injury to settle your claim or file a lawsuit or you lose your chance to make a recovery.
7th: Protect the Evidence! Maintain a list of the witnesses from the accident scene. Maintain pictures of the scene and of your vehicle. Keep a list of all statements made from the wreck; the statements in the police report and those not in the police report.
The two most important things to do and remember from the seven items listed above are to remember the Statute of Limitations and to seek medical treatment for your injuries immediately after the wreck. The Statute of Limitations is important because if you fail to bring an action before it expires, you won’t have a case or any redress for your injuries that you have suffered if you wait too long to file a lawsuit. Calling the attorney John W. Adkins and his team immediately after your accident will save you from the grief of missing any important deadlines and ensure that proper steps are being taken to protect you and your family. Our experienced Attorneys will guide you through the process and protect your rights to make sure that a deadline is not missed. After your accident, immediately call John W. Adkins and his team of attorneys, so that we can help you navigate the court system and protect your rights and get you the compensation that you deserve.
The second most important item from the list above is getting the medical treatment for your injuries immediately after the wreck. In Georgia, injured parties have the burden of proof, which means they must be able to prove that they suffered a physical harm as a result of the other party’s negligence. Visiting a specialist for each injury is very important and necessary for you as the victim of a wreck. If the Doctor recommends a procedure or that you follow up with physical therapy, then it is of the utmost importance that you listen to the Doctor and follow their advice regarding your treatment as soon as possible. We understand that taking time off from work is hard to do, but if you don’t address the injuries right away, your injuries can get worse and lead to more severe physical problems in the future that may take many years to resolve. By following the Doctor’s orders and aggressively treating your injuries, you will be in a much better negotiating position when dealing with the automobile insurance company. Pain and suffering should be included in your compensation demands with the automobile insurance companies, and the amount that you demand will depend on the severity of your injuries and the limitations that your injuries put on your life. Your spouse may also have a loss of consortium claim against the negligent other driver, so make sure to tell your attorney if you are married. Make sure to call John W. Adkins and his team immediately after you are injured in a wreck.